The Mokie Chronicles No. 18 – Discovery

The Mokie Chronicles No. 18 – Discovery is in response to Susanna Leonard Hill’s 2nd annual pretty much world famous illustrators contest [Deadline Today!]:

Of course, Mokie came to mind (when doesn’t she). 🙂

So, without further adieu, Here is Mokienaught!!!!

Mokienaught - Discovery! - 8x10 ink and watercolor
Mokienaught – Discovery! – 8×10 ink and watercolor

Is she chasing the rabbit on the moon? or maybe looking for Pluto?



Show,don’t tell; is a writers chant. It’s hard to grasp sometimes and I found this post by Andrew Reynolds that I wanted to share that breaks it down better than most that I’ve seen.

He also said that, when giving a critique, he doesn’t just tell the person that they need to show not tell, but he shows them how to do it with an example. That’s the ultimate show don’t tell.

Andrew Reynolds post on Today’s Author:

Of course this makes me feel like I should show you something so here is some hand lettering I’ve been working on: Mokie grafitti

mokie letters



Lately my main activity has been remodeling my blog/website because I’ve been participating in the Blogging 101 class here at WordPress. I’ve done several things that I thought I wouldn’t do – like change my “theme” and make a new header, not to mention the new “about” page. Still working on widgets. Please take a look and let me know what you think.

In the mean time here’s a sketch I did of Mokie on my tablet while sitting in a doctor’s waiting room, waiting for my husband. I think it was the SketchPro app. It probably could be made clearer somehow, but she’s kind of fuzzy looking anyway. 🙂

Mokie - tablet drawn
Mokie – tablet drawn