Tuesday Paintings – Pastels!

It’s been a long time since the last post because I tend to get behind on the photography end of things. If the paintings are small enough they are scanned.

It seems that the pastels have been neglected lately, so after thinking about it, the issue was with the bulkiness. So going back to another post where I had evaluated the colors used in a plein air painting by John Pierce Barnes [https://doreenelepore.com/2012/06/02/john-pierce-barnes/]  I decided to expand on that selection of pastels yet keep it within this cigar box. The box is about 8″x10″x2″ deep. It’s lined with some foam that was laying around and there is another piece that lays on top to minimize the jiggling.

cigar box

Here is the palette that seems to be working for me.

cigar box pastels

This is working out great for plein air because it’s much lighter to carry and an added bonus is that I don’t get mesmerized by too many colors to look through for the exact right stick. I’ve been using my old half julien easel that holds a few supplies like a travel watercolor box and some brushes.

Here are the paintings that are done with this palette.

Savannah morning sSandsprit Park ssewells point 2 ssewells point sport st lucie botanical sSavannah ssavannah 2 ssandsprit scribble ssunset lake s