T-Shirt Update

Just finished a major update to my arty-tees page. I’ve added new tshirts and hoodies as well as adding more color selections for some tshirts. There are two links for some tshirts  because amazon only lets me pick 5 colors per tshirt or product, so I just made another listing with more color choices. Also, some good news, the price on the hoodies dropped, thanks to amazon.

These are the paintings now available on tshirts and a couple of hoodies:

Painted Pony

painted pony

The Beaten Path





Spring Marsh

Spring Marsh


You can go to the arty-tees page for further details and links to amazon here.

If you have any questions, comments, feedback please feel free to leave a comment or email me.


Spring Calf
Spring Calf

Inspired by a fellow blogger’s challenge to come up with something blue that says “spring”. http://decorartuk.wordpress.com/2014/03/22/something-in-common/  The local manatees came to mind right away. They are also known as sea cows and have a fairly bovine personality – sweet, slow and docile, not to mention big.

One time while walking near a dock I saw some manatees and one seemed to have a problem. After talking to a local officer they found that she had been playing this trick all along the coast and in fact she was fine, but seemed to like the attention. Silly cow.

Here’s a nice video, so you can see what they look like:


Some basic manatee facts:


and then there’s this – were they the basis for the myth of mermaids? I think so!
