T-Shirt Update

Just finished a major update to my arty-tees page. I’ve added new tshirts and hoodies as well as adding more color selections for some tshirts. There are two links for some tshirts  because amazon only lets me pick 5 colors per tshirt or product, so I just made another listing with more color choices. Also, some good news, the price on the hoodies dropped, thanks to amazon.

These are the paintings now available on tshirts and a couple of hoodies:

Painted Pony

painted pony

The Beaten Path





Spring Marsh

Spring Marsh


You can go to the arty-tees page for further details and links to amazon here.

If you have any questions, comments, feedback please feel free to leave a comment or email me.

Another Tuesday painting

Recently we, my plein air group, went to the Indiantown Marina. I had no idea how interesting it would be since this was my first visit there. The marina is mostly a boat yard, with rows and rows of dry docked boats. The boat I painted was called Topaz. I took pictures of many other boats and hope to paint them in the future.

Topaz - oil on board - 9x12
Topaz – oil on board – 9×12


It’s rare to get free publicity, at least for me it is, but one of my paintings will be in the next issue, July/August, of Fine Art Connoisseur magazine. (not on newsstands yet) http://www.fineartconnoisseur.com/

The magazine is one of those well done, high quality, shiny art magazines that is aimed at collectors.

My painting is part of a photo essay on painting in parks, which is something I love to do.  One of my favorite parks is a local one, Jonathan Dickinson State Park and the painting is one of several I’ve done of the Loxahatchee River. You’ve seen it here before, but here it is again:

Banks of Loxahatchee - 9x12 - Pastel on sanded paper
Banks of Loxahatchee – 9×12 – Pastel on sanded paper

You can see other paintings that are part of the Painting the Parks program on the Fine Art Gallery page.

Also here is the link to the website for Painting the Parks, so that you can see other park paintings.   http://painttheparks.com/

Red Flag

Red Flag
Red Flag

Yes, of course it’s another beach painting from Hobe Sound Beach. But, this time it’s done in pastels. Finally, I’ve gotten around to trying out the pallet of John Pierce Barnes to see how complete it is. Here’s the link to the older post:


It was very complete, just needed to go back to the big box for one stick of a darker tan and one better mid tone flesh color. It was nice to be limited to the smaller selection of colors and yet I felt as though I had plenty to choose from. Makes for a very portable pastel kit. If you do any plein air painting you know that’s a huge plus.


Fresh off the easel

More beach paintings! This time I’ve included a picture of each painting in their frames. These are small works, all 6×8 – oil on panel, and look great in wide white molding frames – the width of the molding is about 3 1/2 inches.

The brilliant blue is compliments of Gamblin – go to www.gamblincolors.com and click on Torrit Grey to see the paintings that were submitted. This year all Torritt Grey participants (remember the Torritt Birds http://hobesoundartist.com/2012/09/29/torrit-bird/) received a free tube of “Cote d’Azure” along with another tube (mine was white). The backstory is that their master paint maker, Matt and his wife Liz  went to France for their honeymoon and the water inspired this color. The color is perfect for Florida, hope they keep making it!

The paintings are all down at a small, new boutique in Hobe Sound; Juno Shoe Girl on S. Dixie Hwy.  The shop has a beachy theme and my beach paintings have sold well there. You can find more information about Juno Shoe Girl here: http://junoshoegirl.com/

2013 Sketchbook Project – Frogology

My 2013 Sketchbook Project is called Frogology because it’s about Frogs. Most of the frogs in the book are extinct and on the back cover there is a list of frogs that are missing. I wasn’t able to scan the whole list but the website is written there where you can read the list for yourselves.

Again, I used mostly watercolor crayons and ink. Some drawings are in colored pencil and the last is graphite. It was a fun sketchbook to do because the frogs are colorful and fun to draw. It also felt good to give the frog issue attention. The cover is brightly printed fabric.


More Sales!!!

My apologies for not keeping up with my blog however I started the year way under the weather and it really put be very far behind in every aspect of my life.  Plus, there have been way to many non art activities that I’ve been forced into by people who don’t appreciate my time nearly as much as I do.

But the good news is that there have been more sales that I’m happy to report and hopefully, I’ll get back to painting soon.

White City Water Lilies
White City Water Lilies
Jupiter Lighthouse
Jupiter Lighthouse
Caution Flag
Caution Flag – Oil – 5×7
Hobe Sound Life Guard Station
Oil on panel – plein air knife painting – 12×16


First Umbrella

first umbrella


Nanowrimo and PiBoIdMo

The month of November is always hectic and to add to the usual hecticness is Nanowrimo [National Novel Writing Month]and now PiBoIdMo [Picture Book Idea Month], both of which I wanted to participate in.  This year was more difficult because I had to take precious time out because of a hand injury, which is healing now, thank goodness.

As usual, I didn’t finish Nanowrimo but am okay with that because I did finish PiBoIdMo.

Picture Book Idea Month
Picture Book Idea Month


It’s been difficult to get the badge inserted somewhere so I’m posting it here now.

The creator of PiBoIdMo is Tara Lazar and she hosted daily guest posts on her blog which were very insightful and inspiring:  http://taralazar.com/

The idea is to come up with an idea a day for the month of November.  Since it wasn’t necessary to actually write the whole book every day, it was do-able and I exceeded the goal.  Some of the ideas might actually pan out.  I sure hope so.  In the mean time I’m still working on a tree frog book, now with several more ideas to follow.

Thanks to Tara and all her guest authors and illustrators.


P.S.  Last night’s fortune cookie:  “Right now there’s an energy pushing you in a new direction.”