The Mokie Chronicles No. 18 – Discovery

The Mokie Chronicles No. 18 – Discovery is in response to Susanna Leonard Hill’s 2nd annual pretty much world famous illustrators contest [Deadline Today!]:

Of course, Mokie came to mind (when doesn’t she). 🙂

So, without further adieu, Here is Mokienaught!!!!

Mokienaught - Discovery! - 8x10 ink and watercolor
Mokienaught – Discovery! – 8×10 ink and watercolor

Is she chasing the rabbit on the moon? or maybe looking for Pluto?



Lately my main activity has been remodeling my blog/website because I’ve been participating in the Blogging 101 class here at WordPress. I’ve done several things that I thought I wouldn’t do – like change my “theme” and make a new header, not to mention the new “about” page. Still working on widgets. Please take a look and let me know what you think.

In the mean time here’s a sketch I did of Mokie on my tablet while sitting in a doctor’s waiting room, waiting for my husband. I think it was the SketchPro app. It probably could be made clearer somehow, but she’s kind of fuzzy looking anyway. 🙂

Mokie - tablet drawn
Mokie – tablet drawn