Not Hobe Sound

This is the first year in many that I haven’t been able to attend the “Artist Day” or I think it’s currently called “Brush with Nature” day at Adams Ranch in Ft. Pierce, FL. Unfortunately my husband had recent surgery and I’m not comfortable with leaving him for a whole day yet. So, today I’ll post some of my paintings from Adams Ranch, and believe me I have a few. The ranch is a wonderful place to paint and is a working ranch that is just huge (about 50,000 acres) with way more cows than people. My kind of place. Once a year they allow artists to occupy a section of the ranch and the cows watch us paint all day. Entertaining for all of us!

Settlers House
Settlers House

Hobe Sound Beach Umbrellas Study

Sometimes I do a small study in watercolor crayon and marker pen before the larger painting. This is only 6×8 on “Fluid” Watercolor paper 140 lb., which comes in a block of 15 sheets. The watercolor crayons are made by Caran D’Ache and mine is a set of 40 and the pens are Faber Castell with the brush tip.

Postcard From Paradise sketch
Hobe Sound Beach Umbrellas sketch

The great thing for me is that the watercolor crayons are similar to pastels and I just love the way you can scribble with them, then wet them down and scribble some more.