T-Shirt Update

Just finished a major update to my arty-tees page. I’ve added new tshirts and hoodies as well as adding more color selections for some tshirts. There are two links for some tshirts  because amazon only lets me pick 5 colors per tshirt or product, so I just made another listing with more color choices. Also, some good news, the price on the hoodies dropped, thanks to amazon.

These are the paintings now available on tshirts and a couple of hoodies:

Painted Pony

painted pony

The Beaten Path





Spring Marsh

Spring Marsh


You can go to the arty-tees page for further details and links to amazon here.

If you have any questions, comments, feedback please feel free to leave a comment or email me.

Tuesday Paintings – Pastels!

It’s been a long time since the last post because I tend to get behind on the photography end of things. If the paintings are small enough they are scanned.

It seems that the pastels have been neglected lately, so after thinking about it, the issue was with the bulkiness. So going back to another post where I had evaluated the colors used in a plein air painting by John Pierce Barnes [https://doreenelepore.com/2012/06/02/john-pierce-barnes/]  I decided to expand on that selection of pastels yet keep it within this cigar box. The box is about 8″x10″x2″ deep. It’s lined with some foam that was laying around and there is another piece that lays on top to minimize the jiggling.

cigar box

Here is the palette that seems to be working for me.

cigar box pastels

This is working out great for plein air because it’s much lighter to carry and an added bonus is that I don’t get mesmerized by too many colors to look through for the exact right stick. I’ve been using my old half julien easel that holds a few supplies like a travel watercolor box and some brushes.

Here are the paintings that are done with this palette.

Savannah morning sSandsprit Park ssewells point 2 ssewells point sport st lucie botanical sSavannah ssavannah 2 ssandsprit scribble ssunset lake s


“A Trip Down the Loxahatchee”

“A Trip Down the Loxahatchee” by Jim Snyder will debut on Nov. 21 when the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse and Museum holds the “Lighthouse River Rendezvous.” The annual fund raiser will unfold along the river, at the foot of the museum, on  Saturday evening starting at 6:00 pmhttp://www.jupiterlighthouse.org/jupiter-events-november.php

This coffee table book is made up of paintings and photographs by local artist of the Loxahatchee River and will be for sale in local gift shops.  Some time ago Jim asked me if he could include this painting in the book and of course I said yes.  It’s a small pastel painting that I did on location.

Loxahatchee River
Loxahatchee River




The Cow – Robert Lewis Stevenson, A Child’s Garden of Verses

The friendly cow all red and white,

I love with all my heart:
she gives me cream with all her might,

To eat with apple-tart.

She wanders lowing here and there,

And yet she cannot stray,

All in the pleasant open air,

The pleasant light of day;

And blown by all the winds that pass

And wet with all the showers,

She walks among the meadow grass

And eats the meadow flowers.





It’s rare to get free publicity, at least for me it is, but one of my paintings will be in the next issue, July/August, of Fine Art Connoisseur magazine. (not on newsstands yet) http://www.fineartconnoisseur.com/

The magazine is one of those well done, high quality, shiny art magazines that is aimed at collectors.

My painting is part of a photo essay on painting in parks, which is something I love to do.  One of my favorite parks is a local one, Jonathan Dickinson State Park and the painting is one of several I’ve done of the Loxahatchee River. You’ve seen it here before, but here it is again:

Banks of Loxahatchee - 9x12 - Pastel on sanded paper
Banks of Loxahatchee – 9×12 – Pastel on sanded paper

You can see other paintings that are part of the Painting the Parks program on the Fine Art Gallery page.

Also here is the link to the website for Painting the Parks, so that you can see other park paintings.   http://painttheparks.com/

Dad’s 54 Chevy Truck

Dad's 54 Chevy Pickup
Dad’s 54 Chevy Pickup – pastels on mat board 11×14

In honor of Father’s Day I thought I’d post this pastel of my father’s truck.  Don’t be surprised if I post it again next year!  It’s not a new painting, but a favorite.  He never finished restoring the truck so that I could paint the “after” shot, but he did see and love this painting.

This pastel is done on a maroon piece of acid free mat board that I sanded a bit to give it a little more tooth.  When you sand mat board or paper (sometimes it helps to rough up Canson paper before using it too) you should use a very fine sanding block, not regular sand paper.  The block is sturdier and won’t make unwanted bends, folds or marks on the paper. Just a gentle once over is enough.

In Memorium

The Official Portrait of the Unofficial Mayor
The Official Portrait of the Unofficial Mayor – Pastels on paper – 11×14

In honor of “Uncle Phil” Algozzini who passed away recently at the age of 82.  This portrait was done as part of the Hobe Sound Project a few years ago – the exhibit wouldn’t have been complete without him, just as Hobe Sound isn’t complete without him.  His portrait is as colorful as he was.  He was such a supportive person that he claimed he liked this painting, but it scared one of his nieces.  Algozzini’s Hawaiian Shop is on Rt. 1 in Hobe Sound, FL.